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Recovery: learning to appreciate life again

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Battling mental illness is difficult, there is no ifs or buts about it. Months or years battling your own mind takes a toll on your brain, on your health and your overall perception. Personally, my battle with depression was the most influencing battle I have that affected my perception of life. Slowly, I've begun my journey into recovery. It is like a hand in the shadows slowly being pulled into the light. I have found ways to appreciate life again.

Healthy Eating 

    ((Spinach, banana & coconut smoothie))

Healthy eating has honestly been the foundation of much of my recovery, not just for my disordered eating but for all of my mental health. It is truly amazing how filling your body with whole, nutritious foods everyday can immediately boost your mood, confidence and overall wellbeing. Not to mention how delicious these foods can be! 

You don't nessacarily have to become a vegetarian or vegan to feel these benefits, but I would recommend it! There are so many options and recipes out there and the benefits are astonishing. Not to mention you are helping the planet and not contributing to the harm of animals. 

I've noticed simply by eating whole foods mainly from vegan and 100% from vegetarian sources, my mood has increased so well. I no longer feel lethargic and miserable when I wake, I feel energised and bright! My skin looks much more healthy and plump. When I go to sleep at night I never feel heavy and bloated, but nourished and fulfilled. Previously, in the mornings I would wake up hungry even if I had indulged in lots and lots of food the night before. This was because before I was eating non-nutritional food, barely anything with benefits for my body or wellbeing. Now, I'm not hungry until hours later after I wake. I have a more positive outlook when I start and throughout my day. 

If you feel like eating healthy is difficult for you, try incorporating a smoothie daily with your favourite fruit or veggies. Try out coconut or almond milk, they're amazing in smoothies. 

Eating healthy can boost your mood, improve your outlook and improve your health. Win win win!

2. Being Outside With Nature 

"Being close to nature cultivates the spirit of peace within us."  - Tiddy Rowan, Little Book of Peace

I've noticed for a long time how much better I feel when I am outside. The sun ( it's gone now for me, winter blues) and clean air on my face and in my lungs. The more simpler feeling of peace that comes with flowers and plants, the absence of technology and loneliness. Where there is nature there is life, something you want to cling to with all of your energy. There is so much beauty shown through simple leaves and flower petals and bees. 

Go for a walk, experience the various scenes and walks of life. Go to your backyard and find anything you can, study it, appreciate it. Go to the beach and feel the sand between your toes, feel the physical tiny grains against your skin.

I promise you will feel a little less hollow. 

3. Keep a Journal or Diary

When I was at my worst, I still kept a journal even then, though my perception and mindset didn't allow for anything positive to be in that journal. Now, I enjoy writing and creating art in my journal, usually positive things and if not positive, I use the negatives to find a positive. 

Example: "I'm not feeling great today, I feel as bad as I used to. It's okay though, if I was in a bad place for so long before and got out of it alright, I can do it again. 

Invest in a cute journal that makes you want to write or create in it. It can be a written journal, a visual one, or perhaps even a video/audio one. It depends on you and what you wish to do. 

Reflection and an outlet are key concepts in recovery. 

4. Creativity

Be creative. Having an occasional creative outlet has allowed me to have a distraction and a peaceful place whether my mind is negative or not. 

Explore your creative side. One person might like painting, for example, where the

other might like collages or photography or fashion. The only way to find out what you like is to explore and consider your current creative interests. Who do you follow on social media that has a creative side, what do you like about their creativity? Is that something that you wish you could do or want to try? Try it out, the worst that can happen is that it isn't you. 

5. Being Around Your Pets

 Pets have a wonderful way of making the world not seem as shit as it can be. If you have any pets, go play with them and pet them. Feel their fur between your fingers and appreciate their loving gaze. Learn from your pets, their minds are less filled with worries and doubts and are usually living in the moment. Try as much as possible to be like that. 

Live in the moment, not in the future and not in the past. 

6. Consider Your Passions 

What do you value? What is something that you wish would change? What do you love? Who do you love? What is your ideal career goal? 

Consider these and keep them as a mantra. These things are you, these things are aspects of you that keep you grounded, never forget them. As you learn to appreciate your life, these are your foundations for doing so. Remember who you are, this will keep you grounded and appreciative. 

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I can't say that all or any of these will work for you, after all, we are all different and on different journeys. We all may be diagnosed with the same but the way and reasons why we experiences them are always different and variably vast. Consider things that may help you appreciate life more. What things make you want to get up in the morning, what keeps you at peace?  Keep on with your recovering and I promise you, you will appreciate life again.  

Appreciating life is hard but in the end, it will be worth it. 

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